Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mrs. Roper is Back in a Romp Pub Crawl Parade Fest from the Late 1970's Show The Ropers & Three's Company


The Iconic Mrs. Roper is Back! She has made a comeback in Romps, Pub Crawls, Parades, Festivals and Fundraiser Charity Events. 

Her Character is from the Late 1970's Show The Ropers (1979-1980) & Three's Company (1977-1984)



Get the Whole 5-Pc. Mrs. Roper Costume Kit HERE or HERE!

Helen Roper could often be seen with her Red Brown Curly Wig, a Colorful Muumuu Caftan or Robe, Bold Bead Necklace, Drop Earrings, Oversized Sunglasses, & Fancy Bedroom Slippers.

Her husband, Stanley Roper, was usually seen in more bland neutral colors and styles: either Plaid Flannel Bathrobe, Leather Slippers, Slip On Shoes, Vest or Cardigan, Collared Shirt, & Belted Pants.


Enjoy Your Next Retro Mrs. Roper Romp Parade Festival!! 



Friday, January 5, 2024

Morris 9Lives Cat Food Brand Mascot & TV Commercial 'Star' Since the 1970's



 Morris the Cat in 1970's Era 9-Lives Cat Food Commercial


Morris the Cat is the advertising mascot for 9Lives brand cat food, appearing on its packaging and in many of its television commercials from the 1970s.


"A large orange tabby tomcat, the character of Morris the Cat is 'the world's most finicky cat', eating only 9Lives cat food and making this preference clear with humorously sardonic voice-over comments when offered other brands. Every can of 9Lives features Morris' 'signature'. Three different cats have played Morris the Cat.

The original Morris was discovered in 1968, at the Hinsdale Humane Society, a Chicago-area animal shelter, by professional animal handler Bob Martwick. An invention of the Leo Burnett advertising company where Martwick worked, Morris was featured in 58 television commercials which aired from 1969 to 1978. John Erwin provided the voice-over for the cat.  Morris won two PATSY Awards (an award for animal performers in film and television) in 1972 and 1973. The original Morris died on July 7, 1978, in his native Chicago of old age.

All cats to play Morris have been rescue animals, either from an animal shelter or a cat rescue. After receiving multiple contacts from individuals who claimed that they were the original owner of Morris, Bob Martwick chose not to reveal which shelter he obtained the second Morris from. After a yearlong search, Martwick selected the second Morris, who began appearing in commercials in 1979. The first two cats to play Morris lived with Martwick as pets. Morris's popularity continued into the 1980s, with the Leo Burnett Company orchestrating a mock presidential campaign for Morris in 1988."


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why did people wear big glasses in the 70s?


Why did people wear such big glasses & sunglasses in the 70s?
Well, it was the 'style', but also celebrities like First Lady Jackie Kennedy Onassis frequently wore large round and/or square-framed glasses in the 60s, nicknamed Onassis glasses, whose popularity extended into the 1970s,
The rise of paparazzi culture began to sweep the world during this time, so oversized glasses were very popular for celebrities to try and hide from the paparazzi (& to protect their eyes from the photo flash).
The 'Jackie O' style was all pure class! She is shown here with a Long Sleeve tucked in collared foulard print blouse, smooth front tailored trousers, black leather loafers, signature sunglasses, long flip bobbed hairstyle, large black handbag with silver grommets and long black pendant necklace:

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Are We Assuring Our Children's Place in Lake of Fire?!


Yikes! I know this is a very controversial topic, but one that needs to be addressed. What roads are parents leading their precious children down with these types of things:

Harry Potter Books, Products, Theme Park Rides & Events; Drag Queen Story-times; New Age Barbie; Crystal Jewelry; Yoga for Children; Disney: Sorcerers, Fairies, Witches, etc.; Halloween; Astrology.

 ...And  not to Mention SATAN CLAWS who teaches our children greed, materialism & entitlement.

All of these things are nothing to be trifled with and are very dangerous. It is often done in the name of 'fun' but it is a spiritual and demonic trap - and none of these were EVER innocent. 

God condemns Witchcraft, Wizardry, Sorcery, Enchanting, Charms, Spells, Divination, Fortune Telling, Tarot, Child Sacrifice (of any kind!), Seances (necromancer), Ghost 'Hunting' (consulting with familiar spirits), Zodiac, Astrology (observer of times), Ancestor Worship, Idolatry, etc. 

"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord." Deuteronomy 18:10-12

God also condemns any type of Transgenderism:

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5


Yoga means 'yoked' in Sanskrit and in Hinduism the purpose of Yoga is to yoke or join yourself with a deva or devil, little g god which is a devil. Yoga is an open doorway to possession:

A demon-possessed BOY is brought to Jesus and He asks the father of the boy how long the boy has been possessed. The boy's father answers that he has been possessed since he was a CHILD:  


"And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.  And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child." Mark 9:21

"The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils (idols), and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 1 Corinthians 10:20 


Be warned Parents, we can't have it both ways: 

"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils."


The last 4 products below are for information only and are in no way endorsed by this Blog:

Are We Being Spayed & Neutered?!


The Evil of Margaret Sanger: Racist, Eugenicist & Founder of Planned Parenthood

 (Some notable past recipients of the Margaret Sanger 'Award' - Lyndon Baines Johnson, John D. Rockefeller III, Sen. Joseph Tydings, Katherine Hepburn, Phil Donahue, Ann Landers, Bella Abzug, Kathleen Turner, Jane Fonda, Ted Turner, Hillary Clinton, Dr. Ruth, and Nancy Pelosi.)







Many things happening now to our food, air & water affect the

ability of the human body to reproduce and bring forth healthy



Whether this is by design or just the consequence of unnatural 

chemicals and procedures is not sure, but should be avoided if and 

whenever possible.